Today I will show you how to create Enterprise Application using Java EE 5 and GlassFish. I will use - Eclipse 3.5 + WTP - GlassFish v. 2.1 - JSF Mojarra implementation. - EJB 3.0. - JPA Toplink essentials implementation. - MySQL No NetBeans or JDeveloper magic involved :) The prerequirement is: Add datasource in glassfish. Read this how you can make this here: 1) First you need to add glassfish in your eclipse. - Go to Servers View - Right Click, New - Choose GlassFish v 2.1 if you dont have glassfish click on Download additional adapters link choose glassfish wait and restart eclipse. Than try again. 2) Create the database CREATE TABLE ` lesson ` . ` USERS ` ( ` id ` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ` username ` VARCHAR ( 45 ) NOT NULL , ` password ` VARCHAR ( 45 ) NOT NULL , ` name ` VARCHAR ( 45 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( ` id ` ) ) ENGINE = InnoDB...
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